2025年、私たちは「DAZAI OSAMU graffiti project」に挑戦します。
これは芸術家(イラストレーター)太宰治を知ってもらい、文豪 太宰治を知ってもらい、人間 太宰治を知ってもらうための新たなプロジェクトです。
太宰治(本名・津島 修治)は、中学の頃から自己出版の同人誌の表紙イラストを描き、作家になるか、画家になるか迷っていたほどだと言われています。結果的に作家を目指すため官立弘前高校に入学することになりましたが、ここでもイラストレーターとしての活動も続け、友人たちと出版した同人誌の表紙イラストも担当していました。
現代では、文豪 太宰治として世界的に有名な作家ですが、著作の作風のイメージが強く「ネガティヴな作家」「自己破滅型作家」などと呼ばれています。しかし、親族の方や太宰治を研究している書物、当時の友人の証言などから、彼はおちゃめな所が多く、話好きで率先して行動する人間で、中学の頃からクラスの人気者でした。
彼の著作を読んでファンになる人は多いですが、逆に私たちは彼の人格を知ってもらい、芸術的センスを知ってもらい、著作にも興味を持ってもらいたいという新たなアクセス方法で文豪 太宰治を知ってもらうために「DAZAI OSAMU graffiti project」を開始しました。
綿100% ※キャンバス
サイズ 幅約30cm 高さ約20cm マチ約10cm
サイズ はがきサイズ
In 2025, we will take on the "DAZAI OSAMU graffiti project."
This is a new project to get to know Dazai Osamu the artist (illustrator), Dazai Osamu the literary master, and Dazai Osamu the person.
The selection of illustrations and the overall composition were considered together with designers and artists in the prefecture, and commercialized!
It is said that Dazai Osamu (real name Tsushima Shuji) drew cover illustrations for self-published doujinshi since he was in junior high school, and was torn between becoming a writer or a painter. He ended up enrolling in Hirosaki High School to become a writer, but he continued to work as an illustrator here and was also in charge of the cover illustrations for doujinshi published with his friends.
Even after becoming a writer, he completed many oil paintings in the studio of a painter friend.
In modern times, Dazai Osamu is a world-famous writer as a literary master, but he is strongly associated with the image of his writing style and is called a "negative writer" and a "self-destructive writer." However, from his relatives, books studying Dazai Osamu, and testimonies from his friends at the time, he was a playful guy, a talkative person, and a person who took the initiative, and was popular in his class since junior high school.
He was also fashion-conscious, and when he returned to Mitaka from evacuation, he wore military boots and demobilization uniforms, which were abundant in Tokyo at the time, when he went out or traveled far away. When he visited the port town of Tsugaru to visit his mother, Take-san, he was so popular that people thought he might be an American spy.
His life in his later years and his style of writing tend to give people a negative image, but we started this project to let more people know that he was actually a very interesting, stylish, and popular person.
Many people become fans by reading his works, but on the other hand, we started the "DAZAI OSAMU graffiti project" to get to know the literary giant Dazai Osamu in a new way, to get to know his personality, his artistic sense, and to get interested in his works.
This product has been officially approved for sale by the Tsushima family (main family), descendants of Dazai Osamu, and the Hirosaki University Library, which owns the illustrations! Each product comes with a certificate that it is a product of the company! This certificate is postcard-sized, so you can display it as interior decoration! Mini Two-Tone Tote Details 100% cotton *Canvas Size Width approx. 30 cm Height approx. 20 cm Depth approx. 10 cm Certificate Details Size Postcard size *Please note that returns are not accepted unless the product is defective or damaged. A fresh design for Dazai Osamu fans! A novel design for those who do not know Dazai Osamu! *We try to ship as quickly as possible, but depending on the order situation, it may take up to 10 days to ship. Thank you for your understanding. *If you purchase only one mini two-tone tote, it will be shipped by Letter Pack Light, and if you purchase multiple items (including other items), it will be shipped by Sagawa Express.
#太宰治 #青森 #トート #津軽 #新企画